Real Time Payment

A 24x7, high performance, real-time, payments environment that complements national payment systems, card switches and mobile network operators.


Key Features

  • Modular and stackable components to meet flexibility and performance
  • Real-time clearing/settlement of individual payments between participating institutions
  • Mobile payments and e-payments support
  • Value-added services - a suite of services such as sanctions and compliance, end-to-end payment tracking, customer database registry, security and others
  • Several models of funding of the participant accounts: prefunding, collateralized and others
  • Synchronous and asynchronous real-time payments support
  • Flexible RTGS settlement scenarios.
  • Domestic and cross border
  • Standardized payment message formats.
  • A multi-currency and multilingual system
  • Solution Components

    Key Benefits

    High Throughput & Performance

    With high capacity & high availability, the Real-Time Payments architecture allows for individual payments to be processed in a secure environment, real-time, at high TPS and with a guaranteed end-to-end payment processing latency of a few seconds.

    RTP Interactive Services

    RTP provides advanced settlement configuration, liquidity management, collateral management, real-time monitoring, performance and availability statistics and various reconciliation tools.

    RTP Webstation

    RTP Webstation provides enquiry and management access to the web interface of the Montran RTP solution via a standard Internet browser, a VPN connection to the central system, a cryptography kit and without any software requirements for participants.

    Client Focus

    Central Banks