Refining the Threshold of

Global Payments


Why Choose Our Global Payment System?

Montran’s successful and proven core framework of Global Payment Systems is a consolidation of all payment infrastructure into one. It supports automatic processing of all types of payments both domestic and foreign, with real- time liquidity management – for multiple banks, currencies and countries.


& Security




  • Offers a powerful, scalable, cross-platform, client-facing web application
  • Cloud ready
  • Offers containerization support
  • Has a modular and microservice based architecture
  • Supports industry-standard and proprietary data formats
  • Provides high volume processing capabilities
  • Runs on a standard browser-based ‘thin client’ user interface
  • Delivers interoperability through the use of standardized Java API (JDBC, JMS, JTA, JCA), interface adapters and SOA integration


& Security

  • Follows the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recommendations to protect against system vulnerabilities
  • Provides data access security through both digital signature and encryption that is based on the Public Key Technology
  • Incorporates role-based access and multi-level approval policy
  • Supports integration with a centralized user repository, single sign-on and multi-factor authentication



  • Provides open source compatibility (CentOS, WildFly Application Server and PostgreSQL)
  • Integrates with any Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) compliant Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), including MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL etc
  • Runs on any platform supporting Java™, including Windows, UNIX, Linux, AIX, Mainframes
  • Provides deployment support for both Container (Docker) and Java Application server (WebSphere, Weblogic, JBoss, Tomcat) deployment